Most consumers now think they qualify for a mortgage
More Americans now believe it would be easy for them to get a mortgage, according to Fannie Mae’s January 2014 National Housing Survey results. Positive consumer attitudes regarding the ease of a mortgage application climbed 2 percentage points to an all-time survey high of 52 percent, while those who think it would be difficult dropped 3 points to 45 percent – an indication that consumers view mortgage credit as more accessible. While Freddie Mac still predicts more moderate home price gains over the next 12 months, consumers’ view that mortgage credit is more available may allow for continued but measured improvement in the housing recovery. Consumer attitudes about the economy also improved in January despite downbeat jobs data for the past two months. The share of consumers who believe the economy is on the right track climbed 8 percentage points to 39 percent, while the share who believe it’s on the wrong track declined to 54 percent. Additionally, the share who expe...